Partypoker for stock trading
How many real estate tycoons learned their trade by playing monopoly? Raise your hand.
MarketWatch just launched a virtual stock exchange. Go to MarketWatch to check it out. If so moved to jump in and test your trading skills against others - like yours truly -- you can sign up and create your own personal portfolio. For those who play poker, it's a lot like - which claims to be the world's largest online poker school. These virtual games are a good way to learn about trading/betting without losing your shirt. That said, virtual games don't give you the same real-life anxieties that affect your decisions. For instance, did you learn how to buy real estate by playing monopoly? Anyway, I'd like to set up a couple portfolios. One will consist of picks from the blogosphere. If you have any ideas, send them my way.
For MarketWatch's weekend show - aired on CBS - I'll be doing a review of the plethora of video channels on the Web. I'm taking a survey of what people like to watch, where they're watching (mobile phone, computer screens in living rooms), and if there are any drawbacks that make the videos less appealing (ads!).