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Data and Internet culture

I had the opportunity to moderate a panel with Yahoo's Usama Fayyad, Google's Peter Norvig, Ask.com's CEO Jim Lanzone, and Quigo CEO Mike Yavnoditte. This panel discussion could have gone in many directions. The one that would have been most fascinating to me would have been one that was most philosophical. Unfortunately, that's not what the audience would have wanted. But after the panel I did ask the panelists to comment on what the data says about society. Here's what Norvig said via email:

"The data says our society is very diverse, with many interests and much knowledge.  It also says that some of us lie and cheat, that some of us are lazy, and some are industrious.  Since we don't ask people their age, we don't know anything for sure about generations, although we can guess by, say, that the younger generation is doing more searches than their parents."

How do you think the Internet is changing culture and society?


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