Vator Reports: The Hollywood Writers' Strike
In this episode of the Vator Reports, John Shinal and I examine the Hollywood Writers’ Strike in detail and explain how it stems from the changing economic model of the entertainment industry.
After several weeks, the studios and writers have not been able to agree on how to divide the revenue from digital content that's distributed over the Internet and through DVD sales.
Our show looks at how both sides have come out swinging, something we've reported on before.
Bambi and John also highlight some of the content production companies emerging across the web, many of which are participating in the Demand Media/ challenge.
Featured in this episode are the following companies/projects: Fun Little Movies, Four Your Imagination, Lionwake Records,, Abigail's X-rated Teen Diary,, MyFilmU, In The City of Truth, Johnny Berlin.
Enjoy the show and see you on!